Sunday, 13 November 2016

Mobile Bicycle Repair as a Way to Make Money Cycling

Ever thought about making money through bicycling by offering a mobile bicycle repair service? A mobile bicycle repair service is a good idea if you really think about it. Someone is riding their bike and the chain snaps, they don’t have the tools to fix it, what do they do? They call a mobile bicycle repair service that you just so happen to own.
You can make some money with a mobile bicycle repair service if you do it right. You can charge a fee for the mobile bicycle repair of course, a travel fee and a fee to take the rider somewhere if the bike cannot be repaired on the spot. You just want to make sure you are not overcharging for your mobile bicycle repair services or you might find that you won’t be getting a whole lot of business.

Mobile Bicycle Repair Cost Savings

To save money with your mobile bicycle repair services so that you can maximize your profits, I’ve come up with a few ideas that you might want to consider using. First – use your bike to travel if it isn’t too far. The faster you can ride, the easier it will be to respond by bike. This will cut a potential fee to taking the rider somewhere but you’ll save money on gas and vehicle wear and tear at that and you would need to weigh those two things together to see which would make more sense to you and your mobile bicycle repair business. Second – You can save money by using refurbished parts or simply by buying older and used best folding bikes to salvage parts for your mobile bicycle repair business. If you do this though, make sure your customers are aware of the used parts and don’t overcharge them for it. You can save money using used parts and you can save your customer money as well.

How to Market a Mobile Bicycle Repair Service

Marketing your mobile bicycle repair service shouldn’t be that hard. You might try hanging around on organized bike ride events in case people start crashing and wrecking their bikes up. How ironic, you wrecked your bike and I own a mobile bicycle repair service or something like that comes to mind. Think about all the customers you can potentially get that day! You should also pass your business card around to cyclists, any cyclist you meet especially road bikers because they are likely riding longer distances away from home and will serious need a mobile bicycle repair service if they ever get stranded. Heck, I’d almost suggest selling jerseys, bike bags, saddle covers and RoadID bands with your business name and phone number on them so the cyclist has it when they need your mobile bicycle repair services the most.
Thanks for reading my blog post about starting your own mobile bicycle repair service. I hope this article has helped you out. This article is another article which part of a series I have written on making money with cycling – expect more to come after this one. Please help support me for writing this article by sharing it with other cyclists and especially by sharing it on your favorite social networking sites.

Your turn to comment, my friend! What do you think about a mobile bicycle repair business idea? Could you see yourself offering mobile bicycle repair services for a living?

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